Buying your automobile insurance three weeks in advance of the beginning day is likely to get you the most inexpensive rate from a comparison web page, slashing the price of your premium in 1/2, an MSE investigation that scoured millions of prices famous. But remarkably, being overly organized and getting your coverage too early may want to suggest you overpay by £100s – even as leaving it to the ultimate minute will probably depart you paying the very best charge.
We’ve analyzed more than 18 million charges from January to May after inquiring for information from 3 of the biggest rate contrast websites – Confused.Com, Compare The Market, and MoneySupermarket. All three had close to-identical tendencies in pricing, with a top-of-line time to shop for your automobile insurance – intently aligned to how tons of a threat you’re deemed to be, and while the very best wide variety of insurers will offer rates. Buying from a comparison website online is one of the excellent ways to bag cheap insurance. See our Cheap Car Insurance guide for extra tips to cut the value.